The last full moon of 2020 will be affecting the Spleen(-Pancreas) meridian and the Spleen & Pancreas both. Together with the Stomach meridian, the Spleen meridian is associated with the Earth Element in Chinese medicine.
The Spleen has quite a wide range of functions in the body, ranging from digestion to the immune system, preserving muscle tone and taking care of our sensuality. The Spleen basically manufactures Qi energy (prana) from the food we eat: it plays a central role in the production of blood and the extraction of prana (Qi energy, life force). Its role is to transform and move foods, liquids and thoughts (!) in the body (all that we consider 'digesting'). This is why the Spleen is also called 'the source of postnatal (i.e. acquired, or 'not born with') Qi/Prana'. It sends the pranic essence to the lungs and heart plus distributes nutrients through the blood to every cell.
The spleen houses the body's thoughts and intentions (Yi) - hence why one of the imbalances comes out as overthinking or worrying - and is responsible for sharp analytical thinking, memory, cognition, intelligence and ideas.
The spleen also plays a primary role in the lymphatic system (it is the largest organ of the lymphatic system) and immune system as it helps the body recognise foreign invaders. It keeps our tissues, muscles, and thoughts moist, supple, adaptable. The spleen is responsible for the removal of old red blood cells and the production and storage of white blood cells, which cleanse pathogenic bacteria from our blood. Functionally, the spleen is equivalent to a large lymph node, with a focus on cleansing our blood and thus aiding immunity.
The Spleen is in charge of us being centred and feeling well with who we are and where we are on this planet, providing a stable 'home environment' for ourselves. If we have that stability, we are able to focus our minds keenly and sharply
The Spleen is known as the Mother Organ of the physical body (as it nourishes the other organs) and relates to the earth element. It governs our sense of taste and 'true nourishment'.
It also regulates our different bio-rhythms, including women's menstrual cycles.
The sweetness of life is needed to feel nourished, grounded and balanced in life. The spleen is associated with the Earth element, and with the energy of a Mother - and to take good care of it, think of what you could associate with this:
- warm food (broths, soups)
- lightly cooked vegetables, especially nourishing root vegetables (see below)
- a stable home environment
- calm eating habits
- regular mealtimes
- a comfortable daily routine
- chewing your food well
- doing one thing at a time instead of multi-tasking (or eating while doing something else)
- mindful living
- taking a break, doing nothing
Worry and overthinking are the Spleen's greatest enemies and cause spleen depletion.
Follow the suggestions below to increase the experience of a sweet life (without needing sugar or artificial sweeteners!).
Symptoms of an Interrupted Flow, Imbalance of, or Blockage in the Spleen Meridian:
- general muscle tightness
- muscle weakness
- digestion problems & stomach pain
- abdominal bloating
- worry
- (mental) stress
- depression
- craving for news and reading
- overeating
- irregular meals
- not being able to relax at mealtimes
- thinking all the time, overthinking
- compulsive behaviour
- cold hands
- being distracted, not finishing things
- chronic fatigue
- exhaustion (physical and/or mental)
- mental sluggishness
- Alzheimer's
- dementia
- diabetes
- obesity
- avoiding protein in your meals
- nightmares
- oedema
- cold hands & feet
- too much standing
- craving cold or raw food (detrimental to the spleen)
- easy bruising
- dizziness
- pale complexion
- sleepwalking
- vaginal discharge
Things to Eat:
All yellow/orange fruits and vegetables (squash, pumpkin, parsnip, carrots, papaya, banana, oranges, persimmons, ...).
To promote the feeling of nurturing oneself, eat naturally sweet foods. Ripe bananas would be an excellent food for balancing this meridian.
Another great food for the spleen is a dish of millet with Chinese dates and some pumpkin or squash cooked to a soup.
Sweet flavours are known as the flavours of harmony and are associated with Mother Earth. If the spleen is in distress, sweet flavours can harmonise and benefit the central Qi. If, however, one uses sweet foods excessively, they will start producing phlegm, obstruct transformation and harm the flesh of the body, which in turn will lead to swelling, bloating, obesity, and diabetes.
Things to Avoid/Reduce:
- Living in the past
- Worrying
- Overthinking
- Too much work/stress
- Multi-tasking
- Standing while you work
- Irregular mealtimes
- Chaotic schedule
- Raw foods, fruit juices, milk products
- Cold foods and drinks, iced drinks
- Overeating
- Caffeine (caffeine acts as 'False Qi', which can lead to high blood pressure, agitation, depression and heart palpitations)
- Honey
- Chocolate
- Sugars, sweets
- Glycemic foods
- Processed foods
- Hold and massage the little finger of each hand for 2 minutes. This can be done many times throughout the day.
- Ishnaan (cold shower), with special emphasis on the stomach area (read more about Ishnaan here on our blog: )
Yoga for the Spleen:
- Horse stand: Stand with feet firmly on the ground, knees slightly bent, hands loosely on the thighs, body relaxed. Close the eyes, visualize and feel the energy flowing from deep within the earth upwards through the soles of your feet and continuing up.
- All pranayama (breathing exercises), but especially Sitali Pranayam, which takes poison away from the spleen, liver and digestive system.
- Camel Pose
- Back Platform
- Locust Pose: Lie on your stomach with your chin on the ground. Make fists and place them underneath your groin and lift your legs up. Hold with long deep breathing. Relax in the posture and visualize the colour YELLOW in your body, up to 10 minutes.
Recommended Kriya and Meditation:
- Maintain the Spleen from the Owners Manual to the Human Body (see image below) .
- Great untitled kriya that works on the Spleen meridian
- Fight Brain Fatigue meditation
Meditation Malas / Crystals that will support the Spleen:
- Bloodstone malas: e.g. , , &
- Lavender Jade malas: e.g. &
- Yellow Jade malas: and I have 2 ready for sending out: and - more combos with Yellow Jade can be found on the webshop as well and could be made again, just search for Yellow Jade in the search box.
- Olive Jade malas: e.g. &
By Japjeet Rajbir Kaur @ Shuniya Yoga, .
Expanded from information on & .